Thursday, July 26, 2007

Plays for July 27

How bout eight, yes that's right 8 bounce plays.

JOYG 48.42

LEA 32.85

HOKU 8.90

PCR 55.90 no news for drop

JAKK 24.25

NCST 3.51

CYD 9.83

AKNS 4.45 otcbb

Now to decide where to place your bets.


JJ2000426 said...

A great opportunity in SWC, which had been battered down 25% in 4 days by a desperate concentrated short who is unable to unwind its huge short position. Expect some great resersal tomorrow because this is one absolutely oversold stock with very bullish fundamentals.

I have done my research and explained everything about this concentrated short. Follow my link and do your own DD.

This is a rare opportunity you do NOT want to miss tomorrow. At least 10% profit in one day!!!

slotmonkey said...

Stop spamming me. You're going to piss me off.